A woman and a man. Caught in a taxing situation or extreme predicament. In each episode, the battle of the sexes at its worst.
Created by Emilio Audissino

An anthology show of character studies of a woman and a man stuck in a challenging situation, the mini-series consists of half-hour stand-alone episodes centring on the “battle of the sexes”, not only in the oft seen sentimental scenarios but within different contexts, dynamics, as well as film genres.
The unique traits of the show are dark humour, the binary cast of characters consisting of a she and a he engaged in some sort of challenging or confrontational relationship, and a cross-genre exploration over the series’ episodes (staging the she/he conflict in territories ranging from madcap comedy to bitter satire, to political thriller).
It is like Black Mirror or Alfred Hitchcock Presents with less dystopian scenarios and fewer murders but lots more wicked fun.
Excerpt from the Pilot Episode, “The Pendulum”
Script by Emilio Audissino
Based on the stageplay Prigioniera!, by Marco Vallarino
Under some unspecified dictatorship, a young woman is arrested at a roadblock and taken to the military precinct where the Captain is eager to treat her with his (in)famous methods of interrogation. Trapped in a small room at the mercy of the villainous Captain, her predicament first appears to be a classic cat-and-mouse or a victim-and-tormentor situation; but positions in the power play gradually and unexpectedly shift, swinging like a pendulum between him and her. This tense and claustrophobic episode is a dystopian kammerspiel.

Copyright (Mini-series): Emilio Audissino 2019
Deposited (Mini-series): WGAw #2033322
Copyright (“The Pendulum”): Emilio Audissino 2019
Deposited (“The Pendulum”): WGAw #1812831
Copyright registered: US Copyright Office, PAu004005512
All rights reserved.